The creatures appeared to be pregnant cyborg mollusks of enormous heft.

Planet-sized, they spun an intricate orbital dance around the their beloved Egg-Sun, murmuring, revolving, basking in the glorious heat, shooting out beams of concentrated life-energy at one another. I guessed that they were communicating, although what data could they be sharing? This I could not know.

Were they truly organisms? Or were they delicate machines, manufactured by some advanced intelligence? Were they, perhaps both?

Or were the categories "organism" and "mechanism" merely a fiction of my primitive hominid mind?

I observed that they were pregnant. They sporadically opened spiracles on their bodies, out of which they launched diamond seeds of piercingly hot beauty and intricacy. These seeds sped out into the void, on what missions, again, I cannot fathom, to what medium to take root and expand, I cannot guess.

As I watched them, I could feel them studying me as well. I felt them probe me with invisible, curious beams, examining and caressing every delicate silver strand of my neurons, appreciating the contours of my nevous system the way my lover might run her hands over my ass. I shivered and moaned with unbearable arousal as they stroked me with golden rays of sweet sexual heat.

It took me several moments to realize that they were flirting with me.