Presently I saw a caterpillar appear over the
horizon. It took him several thousand years to
wriggle over to where I was. He reached me
"Will I grow too old and die?" I asked.
"No sir, you will not."
"Will I go ... the other way? Shrink to foetus,
revert to zygote, separate into sperm and egg, and
thus, into... oblivion?"
sir. The integrity of your biot will be respected
"Why then" asked
I, "are you not turning into a
chrysalis and a butterfly
"You and I are both larvae," said the Caterpillar.
"Mr. Caterpillar, you're mistaken. I'm an adult
specimen of homo sapiens! Or at least I was, when I
first got here."
"I repeat," said the Caterpillar, "you are larval.
Come, let me show you something."
I got up and followed him across the molluskscape.