Lieutenant Miller...
Follow me....

You need to haul ass, Miller. The Tallies are pounding the south pass.
I noticed, Captain. What's the sitch with the UCAVs?
We're having a major malfunction, Lieutenant.
We're trying, Lieutenant...
Can't you stop them?!
The AIs think you're the sniper... The UCAVs are moving in to pacify you.
Lieutenant Miller ­ what's your status?
Running past the busted statues...
Gas cloud's right on top of me...
Need a chopper over here, blow this shit off me.
Can't do it, Miller... We need all choppers to hold down the enemy's artillery.

Tallies open up with their big guns, you're history.

We'll get you out of this, Miller. Continue to designated coordinates, take cover.... and uh...
Try to breathe as little of the gas as possible.
Lt. Miller, respond...
Lt. Miller...?

Sloppy, Captain. Real fucking sloppy.

The Spiders: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.0

electric sheep comix