In this "hallucination,"
I was a little Bosnian girl.
Soldiers were pouring into my village, forcing everybody out of their homes.
I watched my father
get thrown up against a wall
and shot...
My younger sisters and I watched the soldiers rape our mother.
We could do nothing but cry.
This is the part I can't get the psychiatrists to understand:
When I say I saw my mother raped, it really was MY MOTHER.
Her skin was white, her eyes were blue,
but she was my mother. The same with the rest of my family.
My father really was my father. My sisters were my sisters.
Our love bond was still exactly the same, even if our outward appearances had changed.
The soldiers finally threw my mother to the ground and shot her.
The scene melted. The Bosnian village morphed into a Vietnamese village.
Those stories you told me about
My Lai, about those other undocumented massacres... I wasn't just remembering them,
I was now living them.
I was still a little girl. My sisters were still huddled around me in
terror. Again, the soldiers
lined my father and the other men against a wall, and shot them.
Again, the soldiers beat my mother, and raped her. My sisters and I cried.
Our father collapsed heavily, with blood spurting out of his head.
Our village burned.
I looked into my sisters' faces, twisted with terror and grief,
saw the fire reflected in their tears,
saw their eyes looking to me, the oldest, to do something....
but all I could do was cry with them. We had nothing to offer
each other except fear. And there, crying, terrified, we were killed.
It didn't end there.
The scene kept melting.
History rolled over us. Nanking. The Ukraine. Atlanta. Sand Creek. Rwanda. Kazhmir... On and on...
The location changed... our skin color changed...
the soldiers' uniforms changed...
but always it was my family being killed before my eyes.
Always the same screams. Always the same tears.
And the blood never stopped flowing.
Centuries passed, and the blood flowed together, formed a great river,
a river crusted over with rotting flesh, in which, every so often,
you'd see something resembling a face or a foot.
electric sheep comix